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Archive for the ‘Encouragement’ Category

Be the Best You Can Be | Life Inspiration for 2014

Hi everyone

Wow, I realised I haven’t had a chance yet to post on The Good Girls Guide this year yet (slightly embarrassed)…life has just picked off straight where I left it on the 21st of December when I went on leave.

After 2 glorious weeks of relaxing, swimming, eating and soaking up a simply incredible Cape Town summer (nice and hot), it was back to work with a bang. Throw in a body now well on the way into 30 weeks of pregnancy, a husband about to be caught up in the madness of a new school year (he’s a teacher), the realisation that I have to get all my ‘affairs’ in order before heading out on maternity leave in just a few short months…well it was rather a lot to take in!

The good thing is that I never doubted it could and CAN all be done. God is just so constant and present in my life right now and He has such control over little piece – I can walk through a day of back ache, last minute supermarket visits, and forgotten laundry knowing that despite all those very ordinary things, He is still with me.

I’m also feeling rather inspired that while 2014 is bringing the biggest change to my life in 29 years, it’s a year that is ever so slowly motivating me to be the best I can be, and the best God wants me to be. Whether that’s being the best new mom I can be, the best wife, friend, sister or daughter, I was called to never settle for just being normal. Here’s to 2014.

Best you can be

Commonsense & Perseverance | Monday Wisdom

What a significant amount of wisdom in the below quote. It’s amazing to think we often work exceedingly hard to the point of striving, whereas often the result could be achieved with far less stress and ladders in our stockings. A good dose of commonsense (using your noggin at the right moment and thinking clearly and objectively) combined with perseverance (often the end goal takes a bit of sticky-getting-there but you know if you put your head down and work at it, you’ll get there) is sure to get you places in life.

I would add that a reliance on something other than yourself is likely to help you here. I have faith that God is always with me, and that confidence ensures I’m never alone when things are hard, when life gets tough and when deadlines loom scarily in the near future. So this is my Monday wisdom 🙂

Commonsense & Perseverance

On Beauty…

I was browsing Facebook the other day and came across a post by Wynberg Girls High (where I went to school) about the 2013 Matric Dance; of course I had to read it – and was whisked off 10 years ago into my own dance, where I wore a cream top with matching satin gloves, and a long fish-tail satin skirt in wine red… things have certainly changed, but the concept of ‘what is beautiful’ hasn’t.

I read with admiration the speech made by this year’s head girl Lauren Gildenhuys, who hit the nail on the head when she described the difference between ‘being beautiful’ and ‘having beauty’:

I realised that the words beauty and beautiful have two very different meanings. Beauty is related to truth, goodness and grace, it dances in your souls and makes other people want to be around you for the right reasons. It is timeless, and it will not come off with make-up remover. It will touch hearts, not eyes. And so, although I want you all to know that you look beautiful tonight, what is more important is that you know that you each possess your own dazzling unique beauty, and will never lose it.

And just how beautiful is that? To know that each of us possess our own unique brand of beauty, and that beauty can be seen in moments, in a glance, in a landscape, in an action…I hope this has been inspirational, and that you know that we are all beautiful, because we have beauty.


Happy Friday! Motivated & Inspired #IMSouthAfrica

My husband and a few of our friends bit the bullet and entered Ironman South Africa last night – an endurance event on the SA triathlon calendar that consists of a 3.8km swim, 180km cycle and 42.2km marathon. It’s not small in other words. I’m just so amazed and proud of all of them – that their team-based motivation really stems from having other people to lean on and help them through to achieving their goals.

But more than that, it’s a determination, a courage and a WILL to make the impossible possible. I have stood on the sidelines 4 times watching my husband complete Ironman, ranging from 12 hours to 14 hours, and each time it’s incredible, emotional and awe-inspiring. It’s because of him making it through an event of this magnitude that has inspired me to be more motivated and driven towards succeeding and living my dreams…

Today’s Friday Inspiration: Stop Waiting for Things to Happen; Go Out & Make Them Happen! Happy Friday 🙂 x

Make it Happen!

Happy New Year! It’s 2013…

Hello everyone! I’ve just got back from holiday – and what a vacation it was – and am now only discovering this thing called ‘a computer!’ how brilliant to have 2 and a half weeks off from all technology, really refreshing 🙂

But in the meantime, wishing you all a very happy new year; may 2013 be the year your dreams are realised, your passions grow and your life sees amazing change for the better! My husband and I are starting with what we’ve termed a ‘relaunch’ – a full health & fitness overhaul to get us in shape and happy for 2013. With that, and a whole bunch of other big ‘life changes’ on the cards, I’m certainly looking forward to the year! Wishing you a successful, happy and prosperous 2013!

Happy New Year!

Get Cape Wear Cape Fly

It’s one of those Fridays where I simply cannot wait to start doing what I’ve planned; we’re heading off into beautiful Sanbona Wildlife Reserve on the R62 to experience a weekend of mountain biking, trail running & campingForever Wild style…

And it’s just occurred to me that in weekends (as in life) you need to prepare in order to get the maximum benefit out of something (at least, that’s been my experience). I’m so looking forward to this weekend because we planned for it – ok yes we were up late last night packing – but still, it was planned! I often think we sometimes struggle to get off the ground and we blame it on many things – lack of inspiration, no motivation, no one to help, no idea of what to do – but actually it’s just a little bit of preparation that will let you soar.

And so, for a Happy Friday thought – I’ll leave you with this:

Get Cape Wear Cape Fly

Get Cape Wear Cape Fly | source Pinterest.

Monday ‘Words of Wisdom to Keep Calm’…

This might get you to smile, chuckle or laugh out loud. Whatever it does, I hope it brings a smile to your face on yet another Monday Morning! Have a great day Good Girls (and Boys!) and remember to ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’…

Keep Calm & Make Coffee | source

Wisdom From Roald Dahl | Tuesday Inspiration

Here’s some Tuesday Inspiration for you all – from one of my favourite authors – Roald Dahl! It’s in the same vein as ‘The Eyes are the Window to the Soul’ –  whether you’re in a good or bad place, your eyes will be your giveaway…

And as Mr Dahl says, if you have good thoughts (a happy, healthy mind), they will shine out of your face like sunbeams! Be a ray of light rather than a drop of rain – think positive and be happy! Have a super rest of your Tuesday Good Girls (and Boys!) x

Wisdom from Roald Dahl

Floral Inspiration: Bring Spring & Beauty into Your Home Decor

It’s August next month, and just around the corner is September – Spring! In Cape Town it traditionally rains on the 1st of September (pretty much every year), but it’s still a hopeful time of new things.

Flowers traditionally speak of celebration and new birth, but can also show love, appreciation, sympathy, joy and happiness.  I found this quote recently and it just emphasises the symbolism of flowers as something beautiful that grows from a seed:

“By cultivating the beautiful we scatter the seeds of heavenly flowers, as by doing good we cultivate those that belong to humanity – Robert A Heinlein

We often buy fresh-cut flowers for home, but after about 10 days you have to say ‘goodbye pretty roses’ or ‘farewell lovely proteas’… why not add the effect of flowers to your home though floral decor?

Florals do not have to mean your grandmother’s choice of lounge suite cover; in fact, florals can be amazingly attractive and uplifting to a room – whether real or imitation. And by imitation I do not mean fake flowers, but wall hangings, wallpaper, stickers, lighting fixtures and more. Have a look at my inspiration for SpringFloral Decor!

Lilac Wall Art

Lilac Wall Art | source Victoria Hudgins on Project Wedding 

Black & White Flower Wallpaper

Black & White Flower Wallpaper | source

Wreath Around the Doorway

Wreath Around the Doorway | source Room Service

Real Flowers as Wallpaper

Real Flowers as Wallpaper | source Pinterest

Hanging Vases

Hanging Vases | source

Floral Prints on Canvas

Floral Prints on Canvas | source

Romantic Flower Fairy Lights

Romantic Flower Fairy Lights | source Pinterest

Flower Heart Decor

Flower Heart Decor | source

Life’s Little House Rules…

Are there rules to live by? Rules that apply to everyone in the world? Well probably not, but it might be good to start with what God has asked of, commanded of and promised us – Love God, Love Your Neighbors… I reckon those are some good words of advice that everyone in the world could and should live by.

Found this on the weekend and thought I’d share with you – some good advice on life’s little ‘house rules’, being kind to dancing crazy and being silly! Have a super Monday xxx

Life's Little House Rules

Life’s Little House Rules | source Alexander Creative on Etsy