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Posts tagged ‘mood board’

Chocolate Board of Yumminess! | Friday Recipe Inspiration

As it’s Friday (and it’s still cold and rather mis outsides still) – this post is dedicated to the best comfort food in the world – CHOCOLATE! Whether it’s cake, biscuits, croissants, mousse, pudding, cupcakes or plain old blocks – chocolate is still one of the best ‘little pleasures’ in the world 🙂

If you’ve got any great chocolate inspired recipes you’d like to share with the Good Girls Guide readers – please post as a comment below! Always looking for more ways to spoil  ourselves, our husbands & boyfriends and our friends 🙂 Have a super weekend everyone! God bless x

Chocolate Board of Yumminess!

all photos from Pinterest.

Rustic Romance – Wedding & Event Inspiration

Haven’t done a mood board in ages, so I thought I’d do one this morning!

Here are some great ideas around the theme of ‘Rustic Romance’ – incorporating classic rustic luxury themes into weddings/events that add a certain charm and atmosphere 🙂 Everything from hessianto chalk boards and wooden hearts – all of these elements can be combined to create something really really lovely.

Here are some more ideas: A love-themed rustic bridal shower, a whole selection of rustic wedding favours, a bunch of country rustic wedding theme ideas and a rustic-themed garden baby shower! Enjoy!

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

A Rustic Romance

Rustic Romance | all pics from Pinterest

Vintage Mood Board | Sunday Loveliness

Creative mood boards are an excellent way of finding a new style or look for your wardrobe or room makeover, decor, design inspiration or more. It’s also a brilliant tool for brides when deciding on a look and feel for their weddings!

Today’s lazy Sunday post (well, before  I got for a run at least!) is a vintage inspired moodboard – gathering the look and feel of a yesteryear era. I love the big curls, big lashes, colours of the photos, pearls, lace and silver jewellery, the old-fashioned swimsuits, the big cars, old typewriter and faded books…it just says Vintage!

Imagine taking this into a room into your home – a redone wardrobe, a photo feature on the wall, an old-fashioned dressing table…or imagine making it your wedding theme: dusty pink and lace, soft roses, books and silver goblets on the tables, ribbons of satin and crepe…

So be inspired! Make your own mood board! Create on online with a Pinterest board, or simply get some relevant magazines and create your own. Have a super Sunday 🙂

Vintage Inspiration

Vintage Inspiration | All photos taken from Pinterest.