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Posts tagged ‘the best’

Be the Best You Can Be | Life Inspiration for 2014

Hi everyone

Wow, I realised I haven’t had a chance yet to post on The Good Girls Guide this year yet (slightly embarrassed)…life has just picked off straight where I left it on the 21st of December when I went on leave.

After 2 glorious weeks of relaxing, swimming, eating and soaking up a simply incredible Cape Town summer (nice and hot), it was back to work with a bang. Throw in a body now well on the way into 30 weeks of pregnancy, a husband about to be caught up in the madness of a new school year (he’s a teacher), the realisation that I have to get all my ‘affairs’ in order before heading out on maternity leave in just a few short months…well it was rather a lot to take in!

The good thing is that I never doubted it could and CAN all be done. God is just so constant and present in my life right now and He has such control over little piece – I can walk through a day of back ache, last minute supermarket visits, and forgotten laundry knowing that despite all those very ordinary things, He is still with me.

I’m also feeling rather inspired that while 2014 is bringing the biggest change to my life in 29 years, it’s a year that is ever so slowly motivating me to be the best I can be, and the best God wants me to be. Whether that’s being the best new mom I can be, the best wife, friend, sister or daughter, I was called to never settle for just being normal. Here’s to 2014.

Best you can be